
What We Do!

In addition to our regular monthly meetings and maintenance of the grounds at Historic Yellow Tavern, here are some recent activities our camp members have attended or participated in.


November 16, 2024 Adopt a Highway Roadside Clean up

November 11, 2024 Veterans Day Service, Huguenot Springs Cemetery

November 9, 2024 New A.P. Hill obelisk grave marker dedication

October 19, 2024 160th Anniversary Reenactment of the Battle of Cedar Creek Our camp will have members participating in this event.

October 19, 2024 Shockoe Cemetery clean up

October 12, 2024 Oakwood Cemetery brush clearing/headstone cleaning


October 2, 2024 VA State Fair Our camp manned the SCV Virginia Division booth (morning-midafternoon shift).

September 30, 2024 Hurricane Relief Donation. Our camp donated $200 to provide support to those affected by Hurricane Helene. Camp compatriots were also encouraged to donate personally and many of them did.

September 30, 2024 VA State Fair. Our camp annually assists the SCV Virginia Division by manning their booth at the VA State Fair, Doswell, VA. We were there today and will be returning again on Wednesday October 2nd.

September 29, 2024 Shumansville Cemetery grass was cut today.

September 21, 2024 Battle of Sailor’s Creek Re-enactment. Several of our camp members were there. The public was invited to visit the military camps and witness camp life firsthand.

September 14, 2024 Volunteer work. We repaired and replaced some of the wood slab parking stops in the parking lot of Hanover Tavern.

September 6, 2024 Hollywood Cemetery-Richmond, VA. Our camp attended the graveside service of George “Mason” Laurence Opie. Three of our compatriots were honored to serve as pallbearers. Mason was the great great grandson of Major General Fitzhugh Lee and third great nephew of General Robert E Lee. Mason is buried with his father and General Fitzhugh Lee in the Lee family tomb at Hollywood Cemetery.

August 3rd- Oakwood Cemetery- Richmond, VA. Volunteers from our camp completed the tree removal. It was a big tree and we hauled away 6 pickup truck and 3 trailer loads of debris.

July 27th- Oakwood Cemetery- Richmond, VA. A recent storm caused this tree to break apart and fall. We will be there to cut up and remove.

July 16th– Shumansville Cemetery grass was cut today.

July 16th-21st Our camp was represented at the SCV National Convention/Reunion taking place in Charleston, SC. Congratulations to all the new National SCV officers!

June 22nd- Our camp now participates in the VDOT’s Adopt a Highway program. We assist the community by picking up roadside litter along a designated stretch of E Patrick Henry Rd (Rt 54). We completed our first pick up today.

June 15th- New Monument Dedication for Brig General William Edwin Starke at Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, VA. General Starke was killed in battle at Sharpsburg (Antietam). He was a Brunswick County, VA native. The Old Brunswick SCV Camp 512 erected this new monument to his memory. Starke family descendants were present at the ceremony. Our camp attended to show support and respect for the efforts of The Old Brunswick SCV Camp 512. Great job!

June 14th- Oakwood Cemetery work continues ongoing. 11 new headstones were placed today.

June 12, 2024 Oakwood headstone (for Hanover soldiers) fundraising update. We have raised enough money to fund the cost of one headstone. The W.C. Wickham Camp has joined our effort and has funded the cost of another. These two headstones have been ordered. We have two more to go.

June 6, 2024 Shumansville Cemetery grass was cut.

May 31st-June 2nd Fort Pocahontas 160th anniversary living history eventFort Pocahontas, Charles City, VA. Many of our camp members participated in this reenacting event. The historic events originally took place on May 24, 1864 and are remembered each year with a reenactment of the action at Wilson’s Wharf.

May 30th- New fundraising effort– We recently became aware of four Hanover County Confederate soldiers buried at Oakwood Cemetery that do not have headstones identifying them by name. Currently all that is in place are 6×6 blocks with a number. We are raising funds to purchase proper headstones for them.

May 30, 2024 Shumansville Cemetery grass was cut.

May 27th Memorial Day service- Huguenot Springs Confederate Cemetery.

May 27th Memorial Day services- Our camp attended Memorial Day services at Lee Chapel on Grove Avenue in Richmond.

May 23, 2024 Shumansville Cemetery grass was cut.

May 18, 2024 Oakwood Cemetery- Several members of our camp were here today working. We will be painting this iron fence in the near future.

May 12, 2024 Shumansville Cemetery- A member of our camp returned here and cut the grass again.

Saturday May 11, 2024 160th Anniversary of Battle of Yellow Tavern, Glen Allen, VA. Our camp participated in the Richmond-Stonewall Jackson Chapter 1705 UDC ceremony commemorating the 160th Anniversary of General J.E.B. Stuart’s mortal wounding.

Saturday May 4, 2024 Yellow Tavern Work Day. With the owner’s permission, our camp cut the grass, trimmed edges, trees and bushes, and used a leaf blower to keep the Yellow Tavern historic site looking good.

April 27, 2024 Oakwood Cemetery Work Day. Our camp cleaned up an area of encroaching tree vines and vegetation. Another group from the SCV Virginia Division was out there placing headstones.

April 26-28, 2024 Civil War History Weekend- Buchanan, VA. Living History Event. Several of our members are participating at this event with the Penick’s Battery Artillery living history unit.

April 19-21, 2024 SCV Virginia Division Convention. We attended the SCV Virginia Division Convention in Bristol, VA.  Our Camp received this 2024 Outstanding Camp Award ribbon and two of our members were recognized for their Payne’s Farm Battlefield restoration work efforts.    

Saturday April 13, 2024 Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond, VA. We helped install new headstones for Confederate soldiers.

Saturday April 6, 2024 Shumansville Cemetery. We cut the grass to keep this private Caroline County site looking nice.

Saturday April 6, 2024 Payne’s Farm Battlefield Restoration, Locust Grove, VA. Our camp participated in restoring the original sight lines and battlefield condition as it would have looked in 1863.

Tuesday April 2, 2024 Lt. General A.P. Hill Memorial Ceremony. Our camp attended this memorial ceremony which took place at the place where the General was shot and killed. Patrick Falci (who portrayed Gen. Hill in the movie Gettysburg) was the featured speaker.

Saturday March 16, 2024 Huguenot Springs Confederate Cemetery Powhatan, VA. We assisted the J.E.B. Stuart Camp 1343 trim back and clean up the back fence area.

Saturday March 2, 2024 Confederate Flag Day Ceremony, Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond, VA

Saturday February 17, 2024 Oakwood Cemetery Clean up Work Day

Saturday February 10, 2024 J.E.B. Stuart Memorial Service, Hollywood Cemetery Richmond, VA

Friday January 19, 2024 Robert E Lee Commemoration at Lee Chapel, Richmond, VA

Friday/Saturday January 12-13, 2024 Lee Jackson Days Event, Lexington, VA